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Ghulam Mohammad is a Visual Artist, born in Kachi Baluchistan, Pakistan lives and works in Lahore, Pakistan. He graduated with distinction in Fine Arts from Beaconhouse National University Lahore 2013. During his student days, he was selected for Inspire Trip to University of Central Lancashire (student exchange program under British Council). He did his Masters In Art Education form Beaconhouse National University in 2017. Currently he is teaching as a Lecturer in Fine Arts department at Beachon House National University.
Mohammad was awarded the Beaconhouse Emerging Talent Award for Art, Lahore Literary Festival in 2015.
In 2016 he was awarded the Jameel Art Prize 4 from Victoria & Albert Museum London.
He has participated as a judge for Bahrain Annual Fine Art Exhibition in January 2017.
My practice places itself at the intersection of the range and limitations of language, both as a visual, formal construct as well as a conveyor of meaning. This intersection is characterized by the tension that exists between the capacities of language to both impart form as well as potential to meaning. It is this interplay between form and potential, orientation and performance that is the primary motive force behind the process of the practice as well as the work it produces.
As a performing phenomenon, language operates on both the individualistic as well as communal plane, situating the individual in a particular context and growing the vocabulary of that language around the individual. When multiplied, the interactions of these various contexts and individuated habits with respect to language can at times, understandably, be overwhelming. However, it is the variegated nature of this enterprise that is suggestive of an approach in which these concerns are received as elements which, when rearranged, repositioned and reorganized, have the capacity of growing an internal structure and logic specific to the work in question but capable of reflecting on a larger sphere of concerns.
The act of spatially repositioning linguistic conceptions and forms is then an approach characterized by making through rediscovering. It is the hope that in the rediscovery of the phenomenon, the various emotive and formal potentials of language can be unlocked anew.